This book brings together for the first time Shipton's Nanda Devi and Tilman's The Ascent of Nanda Devi. Charles Houston, the joint leader of the 1936 first ascent, has added a new Foreword. In that year Shipton, having been on an uneventful Everest attempt, arrived in the Garhwal just as the Tilman/Houstan party was leaving. He made up for these two disappointments with new explorations in the Sanctuary, crossed Shipton's Col and attempted Dunagiri. His detailed account of these activities is included in the book. A full summary of all subsequent ascents / attempts on both summits of the mountain is incorporated making this the best history of Nanda Devi climbing that is currently available. Robert Roper's Fatal Mountaineer describes the events on the 1978 North Ridge ascent. Buy this book from Cordee
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